Updates based on first Playtesting Feedback

Just as an update, we collected user input during our first playtest. The majority of the results stated that the users were not satisfied starting the game immediate once the app was opened, and the inefficiency to force close the game every time they wanted to attempt to play it again. Also there was a glitch that moved the ray cast to build blocks outside the view of the Player's camera.

Matt's Work:
Matt fixed his Building Blocks script, so that the ray cast is displayed in the center of the viewport part of the player's vision. Instead of blocks being built outside the player's view, they are now built directly in front of the player. Blocks can also now be placed slightly closer to the player to allow for better build coverage of the player from the projectile. Added in but not yet implemented a block placement sound - every time a block is placed, it makes a sound. What I will work on next is updating the projectile prefab to something more interesting.

Jonathan's Work:
Jonathan implemented a start room, with an interact-able cube button, and a script to go along with it. When the player looks at the cube, it turns yellow color. When the player looks away, it turns red again. If the player clicks the cube it loads the game. If the game ends, the cube pops up again and the player can play again (and again).


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