05/05/20 UPDATES After Playtestings:

Matthew's Updates:

You can now look at previously placed blocks and they will double in size. The particle effects that occur when placing blocks has been adjusted to only last less than a second. A problem with proceeding to the next level when all projectiles have been blocked has been resolved (minor logic error).

Jonathan's Updates:

Looking at the playtest forms, users mentioned multiple things. The first being that they didn't know where to look in the demo waiting room. To battle this, I implemented text on the other walls to say where the start button is. Additionally, I created an "Incoming Projectile Alert" audio using the Speech To Text functionality. This way the player knows to start looking around the room. Finally, With Matt's help, I squashed a Score counter bug that was being multiplied by two. So now the score counts correctly.

Notes from Playtesting - Here are some things that were commonly mentioned on previous play-test forms:

  1. Player didn't like the Red ball Projectile (This was changed to a more detailed visual asset)
  2. Players wanted a start menu so they could take time to put the headset on (this has been implemented as a waiting room).
  3. In previous playtests, users mentioned the blocks were hard to build and were not building to the center of the screen (these bugs have since been resolved).
  4. Players were interested in a restart button at the end of the game (we implemented this after the first set of playtesting).
  5. One player did not know how to build blocks (we included brief instructions in the waiting room).
  6. Some players could not understand the call to action after building blocks, or were frustrated that the projectiles came from out of nowhere (we edited the audio, so now it informs the player that a projectile is on the screen and they need to prepare for it).


  1. All art is also up to date to enhance the players experience


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